Preparing for your anaesthetic & what your anaesthetist might want to know

Preparing for your anaesthetic & what your anaesthetist might want to know

There are several things that you can do to improve your general condition prior to your procedure. These include:

* Cease smoking as soon as possible, ideally six weeks prior to surgery, and reduce alcohol consumption.

* Continue regular medications (such as drugs used to control high blood pressure) which have been prescribed for you.

* Do not take un-prescribed aspirin for 14 days prior to your operation. Paracetamol may be used.

* Notify your surgeon or anaesthetist of any medical problems, such as heart disease or severe asthma well in advance, as your anaesthetist may wish to see and examine you before your admission to hospital.

If you are anxious about anaesthesia you should make an appointment to consult your anaesthetist in their consulting rooms before admission to hospital. This could provide you with the information necessary to reduce your anxiety.

You may be visited by your anaesthetist before the operation and asked about your health and medical history. You should give your anaesthetist information about your overall health, recent illness and previous operations, any abnormal reactions or allergies to foods, drugs (medicines) or to any other substance and any previous untoward reactions to anaesthesia by you or other direct family members.

Tell your anaesthetist about any history of asthma, lung or heart problems or any other medical conditions, the current drugs you are taking including birth control tablets, whether you smoke or drink alcohol, and whether you have loose teeth, bridgework, caps, plates or dentures.

Bring all your medications, any recent X-rays or blood test results to the hospital with you.

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